[en] Welcome to euroquis.nl. Originally intended as a site for a European source-code-quality project, it now serves as the hub of my online presence. Most of what happens here goes on on the blog.

[nl] Welkom bij euroquis.nl. Dit was oorspronkelijk bedoeld als site voor een Europees code-kwaliteitsbeoordelingsproject. Nu is het centrum van mijn online aanwezigheid. Er gebeurt vooral wat op mijn blog.


  • Amaroking FreeBSD

    Looking back at my blog, I find lots of mention of Amarok, the KDE audio player, in 2008, 2009, some KDE4-on-OpenSolaris stuff mentions it, and then a long silence until 2021. About a year ago, early 2023, the audio/amarok port was removed from FreeBSD ports. So naturally I was intrigued – maybe even excited – to see Amarok return from vacation with a 3.0 release. And I needed to try it on FreeBSD.

  • File modes in C++20

    I was looking at some code that sets file permissions – file modes – by calling chmod(2). The command-line chmod(1) has a bunch of possibilities for setting permissions, but the underlying system-call needs an int, and the C headers for it are annoying to use. So I fired up some C++ machinery to “make it nicer to use”.

  • KDE e.V. board meeting

    Last week was one of the regular KDE e.V. board meetings. We (the board of KDE e.V.) have a video call every week, but twice a year we try to get together and actually put in some full days, actually sit around and laugh, actually listen to Dad jokes and eat food and drink beer or Fritz cola together.

  • KDE Plasma 6 on FreeBSD -- testing

    I mentioned recently that KDE Plasma 6 is available on FreeBSD – but not all of the KDE Megarelease, and that Plasma 6 can’t co-install with Plasma 5 from the regular ports tree right now. Since we definitely want testing, here’s a VirtualBox setup for it. (I still have not spent the time figuring out bhyve locally)

  • KDE MacOS CI

    KDE applications run everywhere. KDE Frameworks are useful across many different operating systems – FreeBSD and OpenBSD and all those Linuxen and Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS. That also means doing regular builds and testing (CI) for those operating systems. Linux and FreeBSD CI happens on servers run by KDE e.V. I’m not sure where the Windows CI happens. I do know where MacOS CI happens, because it is in my utility closet at home.

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